Do you operate a system and the motors or gearboxes need servicing? Then our customer service is the right contact. Call us, make an appointment and our specialists will be on their way to you.
Our service vehicles are in operation in Austria and nearby countries and can be recognized by the large “M”. In our service vehicles, we carry all the necessary tools and diagnostic equipment to solve many problems directly on site. This enables us to service drives in industrial plants and public infrastructure facilities in which electric motors are used.

For example, we take care of the maintenance of large fans for the ventilation of road tunnels. This work is often carried out at night so that any necessary lane closures have as little impact on traffic as possible.
Preventive maintenance of mechatronic drives in production plants, diagnostics, laser alignment of couplings and belt drives, on-site motor replacement, etc. are all in a day’s work for our customer service team. This also includes motors with outputs over 1 megawatt, explosion-proof large motors and much more.
Complete maintenance also includes the associated additional equipment such as water cooling systems, encoders, brake magnets etc.
If a repair on site is not possible, we organize cranes to collect large motors and bring them to our workshop for a general overhaul, where we have a 12t crane, 12kV surge tester, balancing machine, carbonizing furnace, sandblasting system and paint shop at our disposal.
MOLL-MOTOR employees are also available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for customers in Austria outside of service calls. Our service hotline is usually called by existing customers when an important drive fails and a system standstill causes considerably more costs than an express surcharge.